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Playing Video Games

PEGI Ratings

It is that time of year when many of us will get new games to play on the latest games console, but have you ever noticed notice the small pictures and ages that are attached to the game? These are called PEGI (Pan European Game Information) ratings and are very important in helping us know what is suitable and not suitable for people of different ages.


What is PEGI?


PEGI is a good tool which gives the buyer (you or your parents) information about the game you are buying; this could be what to expect in the game such as blood, horror, adult content etc. You will be able to tell what to expect by looking for these pictures (PEGI Content Descriptors):











What do these ratings mean?


All games in the UK will be given one of the PEGI age ratings; these are a helpful way to determine if a game is right for you. In the UK shops cannot sell games to those under the age limit for the game they are buying e.g., a 13-year-old cannot buy a game rated PEGI 16.


Another helpful indicator is the PEGI rating descriptors, these give more details as to the themes of the game:


Bad Language: This descriptor can be found on PEGI 12, 16 and 18 games and will contain swear words, sexual words and blasphemy (speaking negatively about Gods).


Discrimination: This descriptor will be found on games rated PEGI 18. These games may represent people of different races, gender or religions in a way to cause hatred.


Drugs: This descriptor will appear on PEGI 16 or 18 games and will show use of illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco (smoking).


Fear: This descriptor may appear on games with a PEGI 7 if it contains pictures or sounds that may be frightening or scary to young children, or on PEGI 12 games with horrific sounds or horror effects (but without any violent content).


Gambling: This descriptor can appear in games rated PEGI 12, 16 or 18. This will refer to games with casinos in them or games that teach or encourage gambling.


Sex: This descriptor can appear on games PEGI 12, 16 or 18. Games with this descriptor may show partial or full nudity; rude suggestions or sexual activities.


Violence: This descriptor can appear on PEGI 7, 12, 16 or 18 games. In PEGI 7 games the violence can only be non-realistic and have no detail e.g., they cannot show blood. As the PEGI age ratings increase, the detail of violence will also increase.


It is important to remember that these ratings are there to help you understand what to expect and to give advice about what games are suitable or not suitable for children; they are there to keep you safe and to warn about harmful sights.


If you are worried or want to know more about PEGI Ratings, then visit:

PEGI Article
PEGI Activity
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